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DePauw School of Music's 2017/18 Faculty Select series continues Thursday, Sept. 14 with a concert by guest pianist Andrew Parr at 7:30 p.m. in the Green Center's Thompson Recital Hall. Parr will also offer a free master class featuring piano students ...
Datum: 12-09-2017 03:47 | Bron: The Banner-GraphicDe derde editie van Pianowandeling Culemborg is een groot succes! Burgemeester Gerdo van Grootheest opende de pianowandeling met 'een persoonlijke noot' aan de vleugel, waarna de jonge pianist Bo de Myttenaere The Opening van Philip Glass ...
Datum: 12-09-2017 00:16 | Bron: CulemborgseCourant.nlBristol's irritating pianist was following a well-worn stalker romance script. Boy meets girl, girl is just not that into boy, boy wears her down by kidnapping/harassing/publically humiliating her until she's so broken that she just says yes. Sign up ...
Datum: 11-09-2017 14:46 | Bron: New StatesmanWhat forced 29-year-old pianist Karan Joseph to commit suicide? Who was the person or people who beat him up? And what was the severity of the threats that Karan received which caused him to commit suicide? The Bandra police are probing all possible ...
Datum: 11-09-2017 13:39 | Bron: Hindustan TimesThis musician won't stop playing the piano until he wins back his ex-girlfriend.
Datum: 11-09-2017 12:52 | Bron: Classic FMHer longest role, however, has been at Pender County's Riley's Creek Baptist, serving for many years as minister of music and as lead pianist since 1975. It is a role she cherishes. “I don't want to take any credit. I feel like God gets the credit. He ...
Datum: 10-09-2017 17:22 | Bron: StarNewsOnline.comPianist Richard Goode will help the OKC Philharmonic launch its 2017-18 Classics concert series Saturday when he reunites with the orchestra to perform one ...
Datum: 10-09-2017 12:07 | Bron: NewsOK.comA 29-year-old musician committed suicide at Bandstand in Bandra on Saturday. The musician jumped from the 12th floor of a building ,in front of his two friends, one of whom is from Estonia. According to the police, the deceased have been identified as ...
Datum: 09-09-2017 22:34 | Bron: Hindustan TimesWhat was playing was, of course, a snatch from a composition by Frederic Francois Chopin (Polish name Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin, 1810-1849), considered to be the greatest virtuoso pianist of his era, a genius composer and the earliest classical music ...
Datum: 09-09-2017 21:19 | Bron: Economic TimesKaran Thomas Joseph. Image via Facebook/ @KaranJosephOfficial. Karan Thomas Joseph, also known as 'Madfingers', was a pianist. A Bengaluru resident, the 29-year-old artiste had moved to Mumbai recently, to further his career in the music industry.
Datum: 09-09-2017 17:56 | Bron: FirstpostIt kicks off Sunday with performances by pianist Xiao Chen and violinist Xenia Deviatkina-Loh, both winners of the 2017 Seattle Ladies Musical Club's Frances Walton Competition. Chen, who earned a master's from The Juilliard School, is now studying at ...
Datum: 09-09-2017 17:17 | Bron: Yakima Herald-RepublicKiwi concert pianist Michael Houstoun now considers concert reviews "merely a vehicle for exercising the various neuroses of disaffected, underpaid men". Acclaimed Kiwi concert pianist Michael Houstoun has had enough. After a lifetime of performing ...
Datum: 09-09-2017 13:18 | Bron: Stuff.co.nzSo far, this has been a solid year for new jazz releases. There are numerous artists proceeding with a real sense of urgency that is making for genuinely captivating music. These recent discs have been on my radar lately: Pianist Vijay Iyer has issued ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 23:27 | Bron: The Know16, Holiday Interlude; March 3, “Vive la France!” with pianist Andrew Armstrong performing Beethoven's homage to Napoleon, with the “Emperor” Concerto; and April 28, “Stars and Stripes,” with works by George Gershwin, Scott Joplin and Aaron Copeland, ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 21:03 | Bron: CT PostDuring his final years at Oglethorpe, Burke became intrigued with pianist George Winston and keyboardist Ray Manzarek. Obsessed with their sound, style, and success, Burke was inspired to write his own music, and in 2011 he composed his first album, ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 16:41 | Bron: WXIA-TVAn award-winning pianist with a wide repertoire and who was featured in a PBS documentary will kick off Pittsburg State University's Solo and Chamber Music Series. Steven Lin will perform a program that includes Liszt, Beethoven, Schumann and George ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 14:05 | Bron: Joplin GlobeON SUNDAY, Robert Channon Wines will host international concert pianist Roman Rudnytsky, who will give a recital in the winery's Swigmore Hall. Mr Rudnytsky is a New Jersey native of Ukrainian background who will visit the Granite Belt as part of his ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 02:03 | Bron: Warwick Daily NewsOp 20 mei 1958 werd de 23-jarige pianist Van Cliburn in New York op een ticker-tape parade onthaald. Een maand eerder had hij in Moskou het Eerste Internationale Tsjaikovski Concours gewonnen en sindsdien was hij een nationale held. Niet zozeer door ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 02:02 | Bron: NRCClassical pianist Sarah Cahill will perform a free concert at Community School of Music and Arts, (230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View), on Saturday, Sept. 9.
Datum: 07-09-2017 19:50 | Bron: Mountain View VoiceHet koor wordt begeleid door „de beste pianisten van Nederland, al dan niet afgewisseld met beroemde orkesten en solisten.” Als begeleiders worden genoemd Peter Wildeman (kerkorgel) en Joost van Belzen („klassiek koor pianist”). Ook werken „beroemde ...
Datum: 07-09-2017 14:00 | Bron: Reformatorisch DagbladDe Nederlandse componist Daan Manneke schreef de compositie 'Nachtmuziek' speciaal voor de Engelse pianist Kelvin Grout. De wereldpremière wordt tijdens de Pianowandeling door Kelvin Grout zelf gespeeld in de voormalige synagoge aan de ...
Datum: 06-09-2017 16:49 | Bron: AD.nlA familiar artist will launch the 10th anniversary season of the Sanctuary Series. Pianist John Mortensen, who has performed the past two seasons, including opening last year, will play at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10, at High Street United Methodist Church.
Datum: 06-09-2017 14:50 | Bron: Springfield News Sunvideo Vandaag is het exact tien jaar geleden dat Luciano Pavarotti overleed aan de gevolgen van alvleesklierkanker. De Italiaanse tenor was een van de meest beroemde operazangers ooit, die gekenmerkt werd door de witte zakdoek waar hij altijd mee ...
Datum: 06-09-2017 11:55 | Bron: Het Laatste Nieuws'Ik ben een voetnoot in de muziek', zei hij ooit over zichzelf, om daar meteen aan toe te voegen: 'Maar wel een leuke'. Pianist Leo Cuypers was in de jaren zeventig een onbetwiste gangmaker van de Nederlandse jazz en geïmproviseerde muziek. Hij was ...
Datum: 06-09-2017 10:43 | Bron: VolkskrantThe show will feature performances by a slew of artist including the Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir, Canadian jazz vocalist Rannee Lee, child pianist prodigy Daniel Clarke Bouchard and many others. The borough will also honour the jazz icon by ...
Datum: 06-09-2017 02:12 | Bron: Globalnews.ca