Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord pianist.
Initially a classical pianist, Phylissia Ross was more than a dozen years into her musical craft before studying biology the University of Miami. But science hasn't stuck yet. Now a performer in a variety of genres, her collaborators in recent years ...
Datum: 05-09-2017 23:10 | Bron: Daily PressGisteren werd bekend dat pianist, componist, tekstschrijver, regisseur, adviseur en museumreorganisator Pieter van Empelen zondag is overleden. Bij cabaretliefhebbers is Van Empelen, die zijn studie elektrotechniek verruilde voor muziek, vooral bekend ...
Datum: 05-09-2017 13:01 | Bron: Parool.nlShapiro, an avid and enthusiastic pianist since the age of 5, was born in Dover in 1920. Since then, his music, a constant and faithful companion, has brought joy to generations of local residents. On Sunday, about 50 friends, family members and ...
Datum: 05-09-2017 06:11 | Bron: New Jersey HeraldThe last movement is gypsy-like and it has the most beautiful melodies,” says the pianist. After Hong Kong, Wang's schedule is lined with exciting projects, including her first recital tour in South America next summer, and her season opening concerts ...
Datum: 05-09-2017 05:35 | Bron: South China Morning PostPianist George Li played Rachmaninoff's Piano Concert No. 2 in C minor, Opus 18 with overarching musical concentration that engendered clarity of shape and .
Datum: 04-09-2017 16:15 | Bron: The Sydney Morning HeraldDit wondertalent is leerling van de 82-jarige pianist Jan Wijn, al jaren docent van vele toptalenten, o.a. van de broers Jussen. Het concept achter deze klassieke concerten is als volgt: jonge aanstormende topmusici uit Nederland en daarbuiten spelen ...
Datum: 04-09-2017 14:59 | Bron: SIRIS.nlPieter van Empelen, de pianist en mede-oprichter van het roemruchte cabaretgezelschap Don Quishocking, is zondag in Amsterdam op 74-jarige leeftijd overleden. Dat heeft zijn voormalig Don Quishocking-collega Jacques Klöters namens de familie ...
Datum: 04-09-2017 12:45 | Bron: VolkskrantLet's put it like this, and no offense, please: to win a Busoni Piano Competition is much like winning the title of the Car of the Year. The winner for this year is ...
Datum: 03-09-2017 18:48 | Bron: Total Croatia NewsNo matter how innovative or conformist the Hollywood Bowl season, no matter how hot and heavy (as it was Thursday, with seats damp from an unexpected thunderstorm) or chilly the evening, there will be Beethoven. And so there was Thursday. Beethoven ...
Datum: 02-09-2017 03:10 | Bron: Los Angeles TimesA POPULAR pianist who entertained crowds in south Cumbria and in America has passed away aged 92. Noel Kellett delighted crowds in Barrow for more than 20 years playing at the Forum every Friday. His wife Louise paid tribute to her husband after he ...
Datum: 01-09-2017 20:04 | Bron: NW Evening MailHe was the anarchic funnyman who went from comedies with Dean Martin to inspired cinematic brilliance with The Nutty Professor. Martin Scorsese pays tribute ...
Datum: 01-09-2017 17:01 | Bron: The GuardianDe 29-jarige Duitse pianist, die al eens optrad in de serie meesterpianisten in het Concertgebouw, geldt als een groot talent en bouwt aan een internationale carrière. Zondagmiddag speelt hij een 'Hommage aan Rian de Waal', de pianist die samen met ...
Datum: 01-09-2017 16:52 | Bron: Dagblad van het NoordenA native of Oklahoma, McShann came to Kansas City, Mo., in 1937, when it was the capital for boogie-woogie, blues and swing. He spoke to Terry Gross in 1987 ...
Datum: 31-08-2017 20:22 | Bron: NPRPAUL Turner has been in strict training since May, limbering up for three marathons this autumn. The concert and recital pianist is tackling all of Chopin's Nocturnes in one go to kick start this season of the Swindon Recital Series, on Sunday ...
Datum: 31-08-2017 15:00 | Bron: Swindon AdvertiserGone will be the orchestra, chorus, and vocal soloists; in their place will be a single piano played by Thomas Stumpf, a pianist on the faculty of Tufts University. He will offer a rare performance of Franz Liszt's transcription of the Ninth ...
Datum: 31-08-2017 04:04 | Bron: The Boston GlobeThe prestigious Mill Hill Music Club is holding a concert from leading concert pianist, Stephen Hough CBE. The club, which has run in the area for more than 60 years, has held concerts featuring some of the world's most renowned performers, including ...
Datum: 30-08-2017 19:08 | Bron: Borehamwood TimesIsaacs, who is a self-taught pianist, started playing professionally when he was 15 years old. Before opening the school in Mitchells Plain, which is known for high levels of gang activity and drug abuse, Isaacs gave lessons from his mother's home ...
Datum: 29-08-2017 16:41 | Bron: Music In AfricaA pianist from Vancouver who now lives in Houston says his home — and piano — have so far survived the pummelling winds and catastrophic floods of Hurricane Harvey. But Jon Kimura Parker says he and his wife are still stranded in their house, as the ...
Datum: 29-08-2017 00:47 | Bron: CBC.caInternationally-acclaimed pianist Huntley Brown, of Aurora, delivers a sermon Sunday morning at Calvary Community Church in Momence before dropping his daughter, Nicole, off for her freshman year at Olivet Nazarene University. Daily Journal/John ...
Datum: 28-08-2017 17:20 | Bron: Kankakee Daily JournalDe opening van het nieuwe seizoen is de traditie getrouw in handen van de Engelse pianist James Lisney. Op zondag 3 september om 15.00 uur zal hij zijn muzikale zegen geven aan de nieuwe concertserie die dan weer op vrijdagavond en zondagmiddag ...
Datum: 27-08-2017 22:03 | Bron: RTV SeaportThe piece is an ideal fit for Taka Kigawa, the adventurous pianist who will play Messiaen's “Catalogue” on Monday at Le Poisson Rouge in Greenwich Village, his frequent performing home. Mr. Kigawa has a reputation for tackling heady and exhausting ...
Datum: 27-08-2017 18:03 | Bron: New York TimesIn het televisieprogramma 'Thomas Speelt het Hard', dat dit najaar op Canvas loopt, gaat hij de uitdaging aan om als niet-professionele pianist het integrale concerto van Grieg te brengen met groot orkest. Als ultieme stresstest vóór de finale ...
Datum: 27-08-2017 17:00 | Bron: TV-VisieSarah Bettens, de leadzangeres van K's Choice, was vol lof over het 240-koppig koor waar ze samen mee optrad in de internationale kunstcampus deSingel te Antwerpen. Samen met gitarist Gert Bettens en pianist Reinout RJ Swinne was de band zichtbaar ...
Datum: 27-08-2017 16:26 | Bron: ZiZo-OnlineVoor de opgewekte pianist van landgoed Wulperhorst in Zeist naar Peckedam kon verkassen, moest er flink worden geklust en geschilderd. De villa deed meer denken aan het sombere griezelhuis uit Alfred Hitchcock's horrorklassieker Psycho. De vorige ...
Datum: 27-08-2017 10:03 | Bron: TubantiaFrançois Glorieux kan terugblikken op een gevulde carrière als virtuoos pianist en componist, maar ook als grote entertainer. Glorieux woont momenteel al bijna vijftien jaar in Zoersel. In 2012 kende het gemeentebestuur hem het ereburgerschap toe.
Datum: 25-08-2017 12:19 | Bron: ATV