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Pianist invites you to gather, hear. Classical pianist Miki Sawada poses with a piano in an undated portrait. Sawada will be traveling with a piano to perform free shows at several Kenai Peninsula venues during the coming week. Classical pianist Miki ...
Datum: 17-08-2017 21:42 | Bron: Kenai Peninsula OnlineAmerican classical pianist Ryan Senger will perform at 7 p.m. Aug. 25 at the River Arts Center, 105 Ninth St., Prairie du Sac. Senger graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of arts in piano performance from DePaul University. He is enrolled in the ...
Datum: 17-08-2017 19:01 | Bron: Baraboo News Republic0001 Here Michele McLaughlin, a full time solo pianist explains how she has been able to successfully earn a living from the royalties earned through the streaming of her music. Here Chris Robley chats with her about the opportunities her music has ...
Datum: 17-08-2017 16:28 | Bron: hypebot.comAfgelopen maandag werd bekend dat de Hongaarse pianist en Youtube sensatie Peter Bence op zaterdag 28 oktober een concert geeft in Theater de Stoep in Spijkenisse. Peter Bence is een gevestigd podiumkunstenaar en speelt over de hele wereld.
Datum: 17-08-2017 10:46 | Bron: Nissewaard de Botlek (persbericht) (Blog)EIBERGEN – Pianist Wibi Soerjadi geeft zondagmiddag 27 augustus een sfeervol concert in Openluchttheater Eibergen. Er wordt een grote concertvleugel ...
Datum: 17-08-2017 10:09 | Bron: Streekgids.nl (Blog)Internationally acclaimed pianist Rika Zayasu will perform a solo recital 5 p.m. Sunday at All Saints Anglican Cathedral, 4040 E. 91st St. The concert is part of a series that presents artists represented by the Tulsa-based agency Price Rubin, in ...
Datum: 17-08-2017 00:54 | Bron: Tulsa World (blog)“We had an amazing time last night,” says Herbie Hancock from his world tour in Saint Maritz, France. “We broke through a new threshold. Everybody on the band is on fire right now.” His voices sings with enthusiasm as he describes the milestone ...
Datum: 16-08-2017 23:15 | Bron: Tahoe WeeklyThat's what one Washington Post critic was inspired to write after attending a concert featuring the dynamic young pianist Lise de la Salle. Another exclaimed, “She might just be the most exciting young artist in classical music right now.” A native of ...
Datum: 16-08-2017 18:46 | Bron: Iowa Public RadioWhen he died on April 1, 1917, in a New York hospital from complications of syphilis, Scott Joplin was not yet 50. Financial troubles and artistic disappointments — especially over his inability to drum up interest in his opera, “Treemonisha ...
Datum: 16-08-2017 16:19 | Bron: Baltimore SunWe regret to report the death of Pavel Egorov, head of piano at the St Petersburg Conervatoire and an international authority on Schumann. He has been ...
Datum: 16-08-2017 14:30 | Bron: Slipped DiscJames O'Malley of Glenties, 27, would be known to audiences at the Patrick MacGill Summer School and Arts Week, where this year he and Carrick pianist Evan McGarrigle performed during the intensive week of discussion and debate. James has worked at ...
Datum: 15-08-2017 13:03 | Bron: Donegal DemocratChristopher Smith knows he is a lucky guy. The St. Simons Island resident has been able to live out his dreams of being a professional pianist, playing at venues all over the world. Stateside, Smith has taken to the stage at the famous Carnegie Hall in ...
Datum: 15-08-2017 06:07 | Bron: Brunswick NewsPianist Matteo Mijderwijk (26) is beslist blij met de elf dromerige piano-improvisaties op zijn debuutplaat To Move. Het fluwelen geluid van de Steinwayvleugel? Veel beter kon hij niet wensen. De scheutige portie galm die na elke toon klinkt? Precies ...
Datum: 15-08-2017 02:01 | Bron: VolkskrantNehir Özzengin, from İzmir province, has been attracting attention in international piano competitions since she was 9 years old. At the age of 4, Nehir Özzengin, now 12, started demonstrating a true gift for music, a talent her family encouraged and ...
Datum: 14-08-2017 23:10 | Bron: Daily SabahUS independent Primary Wave Music Publishing has acquired the music rights of the celebrated Canadian classical pianist Glenn Gould. The acquisition ...
Datum: 14-08-2017 18:41 | Bron: Music Business WorldwideDRACHTEN – Pianist Wilbert Magré, organist Wim Magré en panfluitiste Carina Bossenbroek geven vrijdagavond vanaf acht uur een instrumentaal zomerconcert in de Zuiderkerk. Tijdens dit concert presenteert het muzikale trio hun nieuwe cd 'Amicaal', die ...
Datum: 14-08-2017 15:12 | Bron: Drachtster CourantAs Joseph Joachim the violinist was to Brahms and composers of his time, so is Ursula Oppens a pianist today who draws power by living close to the source of creation. Oppens has commissioned dozens of works. Does this sense of ownership translate into ...
Datum: 14-08-2017 14:46 | Bron: Philly.comPianist Peter Bence komt naar Nederland. Volgens Guinness World Records is de Hongaar de snelste pianist ter wereld met maar liefst 765 aanslagen per ...
Datum: 13-08-2017 11:10 | Bron: NU.nlHelder maar warm, het toucher van deze pianist is aaibaar zacht, aangestuurd vanuit een gezonde kracht in het lijf. Behalve met Mozart liet het Kammerorchester Basel ook in Poulencs Sinfonietta horen waartoe het in staat is. Onder aanvoering van de ...
Datum: 12-08-2017 22:20 | Bron: TrouwDRACHTEN – Pianist Wilbert Magré, oranist Wim Magré en panfluitist Carina Bossenbroek geven vrijdag 18 augustus een zomerconcert in de Zuiderkerk van Drachten. Ze presenteren dan ook hun nieuwe cd 'Amicaal'. De avond begint om 20.00 uur. De drie ...
Datum: 12-08-2017 10:52 | Bron: Drachtster CourantPHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A legendary pianist and former president of the Curtis Institute on Rittenhouse Square held masterclasses this past week with young artists from all over the world, in their quest for a career of performing on stage. Gary Graffman ...
Datum: 12-08-2017 03:50 | Bron: CBS PhillyVikingur Olafsson, who is widely considered Iceland's pre-eminent pianist, hasn't had music lessons since he graduated from the Juilliard School in 2008. He has taken part in a master class here and there, but these days, he says, he learns more by ...
Datum: 11-08-2017 19:59 | Bron: New York TimesGEMERT - "Cor Bakker is een allround pianist. Hij is in alle muziekstijlen thuis, ook in de jazzwereld", zegt voorzitter Jos Strijbosch van Gemert Jazz over de bekende Nederlandse pianist die komende zaterdag 12 augustus optreedt tijdens het ...
Datum: 11-08-2017 15:03 | Bron: Weekblad voor Gemert-Bakel'Toen ik zes was, namen mijn ouders me mee naar een recital van pianist Radu Lupu. Dat recital raakte me zo dat ik wist: dat wil ik ook. Ik was zeven toen ik begon, en ik vond pianospelen meteen prachtig. Zodra ik achter de piano ga zitten, voel ik me ...
Datum: 11-08-2017 13:10 | Bron: NRCProducer, zanger en pianist Jim Dickinson was bij de sessies aanwezig, en zijn verslag alleen al maakt zijn I'm Just Dead, I'm Not Gone een geweldig boek voor de muziekliefhebber. De arrogante Britten stonden op het toppunt van hun roem en trokken zich ...
Datum: 11-08-2017 02:01 | Bron: NRC