Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord pianist.
Promising pianist and creative writer Ananya Maity of Kolkata topped this year's Indian School Certificate (ISC) Class12 finals, 2017. It was conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, an autonomous board with schools ...
Datum: 29-05-2017 15:25 | Bron: Hindustan TimesJisk Lieftink (34) begint langzaamaan een bekende pianist te worden in de hardstyle wereld. Onder de naam Hardstyle Pianist transformeert hij tracks uit dit genre om tot klassieke muziekstukken voor de piano. „Klassiek kan ook hard zijn, maar hardstyle ...
Datum: 29-05-2017 11:19 | Bron: Metronieuws.nlPianist Minnaar geeft in Eindhoven elke noot een betekenis. recensieEINDHOVEN - Hannes Minnaar is geen notenvreter maar een diepgraver. Met meesterlijke vertolkingen won deze pianist in 2010 een prijs op het Elisabeth-concours en zette daarmee ...
Datum: 29-05-2017 10:08 | Bron: Eindhovens DagbladJOHNSTON CITY-- After 80 years of playing the piano for the Johnston City First United Methodist Church, Shirley Kendrick found it time to retire. "When you think of music at First United Methodist Church in Johnston City, it's Shirley," co-pianist ...
Datum: 29-05-2017 03:02 | Bron: WSIL TVSUMMIT, NJ - Emmet Cohen will make makes his return to Summit -- and lower the curtain on season three of St. John's Summit Concert Series (SJSCS) -- when he take the stage June 3 at 7 p.m. Cohen is an American jazz pianist and composer who dazzles ...
Datum: 28-05-2017 20:21 | Bron: TAPinto.netRaksha Gopal was always expecting an above average result in her CBSE Class 12 Board examination but there was a surprise in store for her on Sunday. It was a call from HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar informing her that with 99.6%, she was the all- ...
Datum: 28-05-2017 19:24 | Bron: The Hindu (blog)Hoe onwaarschijnlijk het ook klinkt, maar klassieke muziek en de dance stijl hardstyle kunnen prima samen! (,Maar)Het klinkt wellicht onwaarschijnlijk maar klassiek en Hardstyle gaan prima samen. Dat bewijst de Hardstyle Pianist door deze electronische ...
Datum: 28-05-2017 13:15 | Bron: De Peperbus (persbericht) (Blog)Italians have tended to do well at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, and Thursday's fine showing by Leonardo Pierdomenico hinted at the possibility that maxim was going to apply this time as well. Then came Luigi Carroccia's preliminary ...
Datum: 28-05-2017 01:08 | Bron: Fort Worth Star TelegramHe performs as a solo pianist once a month at the Blue Wing Saloon in Upper Lake, the Saw Shop in Kelseyville and Chic La Chef in Hidden Valley Lake. He's become known for his music more than anything else. Whenever he's out and about, someone ...
Datum: 27-05-2017 06:48 | Bron: Record BeePORT ANGELES — Peninsula College alumni Anson Ka Lik Sin, an award-winning pianist, will present a free recital in the college's Maier Concert Hall at 2 p.m. Saturday. In February, Sin won the third prize, silver award in the Manhattan International ...
Datum: 26-05-2017 23:01 | Bron: Peninsula Daily NewsAs the documentary “Buena Vista Social Club: Adios” begins screening at a handful of South Florida theaters this weekend there soon will be another way to bathe in the warm nostalgia of that great Cuban music with the June 16 reissue of “Introducing…
Datum: 26-05-2017 22:37 | Bron: SouthFlorida.com (blog)Last year, at age 12, the jazz pianist became one of the youngest people to be nominated for a Grammy Award. He actually got two nominations, but didn't win for either. He was nominated this year for best improvised jazz solo for “Countdown,” the title ...
Datum: 26-05-2017 17:32 | Bron: Virginian-PilotDozens of the world's most talented young pianists are in North Texas today -- setting the stage for the 15th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.
Datum: 25-05-2017 16:19 | Bron: CBS DFWThe Globe and Mail spoke with the 23-year-old Toronto pianist, whose video cover of the Chainsmokers's Paris won him the duo's attention and a spot in their band, about living the YouTube dream and leaving the Berklee College of Music in Boston to play ...
Datum: 24-05-2017 22:05 | Bron: The Globe and MailSUMMIT, NJ - Emmet Cohen will make makes his return to Summit -- and lower the curtain on season three of St. John's Summit Concert Series (SJSCS) ...
Datum: 24-05-2017 20:25 | Bron: TAPinto.netThe 13-year-old pianist said the new project is his “most developed structured improvisation.” Owen, who has been a Steely Dan fan since the age of eight, has seen the band live twice. His medley includes such favorites as “Bodhisattva,” “Kid ...
Datum: 23-05-2017 19:02 | Bron: JamBaseThere was something almost otherworldly about Kirill Gerstein's recital Sunday afternoon at the University of the District of Columbia, the culmination of Washington Performing Arts' Hayes Piano Series for the season. Liszt's “Transcendental Etudes ...
Datum: 22-05-2017 19:15 | Bron: Washington PostVier zangers en een pianist verzorgden het laatste Krommerijnconcert van het seizoen 2016-2017 in de Oude Dorpskerk in Bunnik. Op 21 mei zongen sopraan Charlotte Houberg, mezzosopraan Rosina Fabius, tenor Satriya Krisna en bariton Michael ...
Datum: 22-05-2017 15:04 | Bron: Nieuwsbode Zeist (persbericht) (Blog)Imponerende liederencyclus van pianist Egbert Derix en bariton Sef Thissen. RECENSIE - Pianist Egbert Derix uit Horst houdt van ambitieuze projecten. Zijn meest recente 'onderneming' is een van zijn meest uitzonderlijke: met bariton Sef Thissen uit ...
Datum: 22-05-2017 11:59 | Bron: Eindhovens DagbladTAKE Me Out contestant Scott was left hugely red-faced as he FELL up the stairs - before successfully bagging a date.
Datum: 20-05-2017 21:24 | Bron: The SunA 2014 survey conducted in China by Tencent, the developer of the popular instant messenger WeChat, showed that 92% of the respondents roundly approved ...
Datum: 20-05-2017 15:53 | Bron: The HinduItalian-born classical pianist Emanuel Rimoldi lived and studied in Russia for five years at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory. “It was not only a musical experience but a life experience!” said the 30-year-old musician in a recent interview. “The musical ...
Datum: 19-05-2017 18:10 | Bron: The Daily ProgressEunAe Lee, a doctoral student at Northwestern University's Bienen School of Music, is taking part in the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.
Datum: 18-05-2017 19:11 | Bron: Chicago Sun-TimesMaar voor de Russische pianist Arcadi Volodos – 45, heel lichtbruine ogen – is virtuositeit een dienstbare bijkomstigheid. „Aan het begin van mijn carrière draaide het wel veel om mijn vingervlugheid”, zegt hij. „En nóg associëren mensen me met mijn ...
Datum: 18-05-2017 02:02 | Bron: NRCThe recital focused entirely on Chopin, offered in generous and familiar helpings, but transformed through the autumnal gaze of a 75-year-old pianist who seems, in person, more venerable even than his years. He played nothing too unusual, and nothing ...
Datum: 17-05-2017 20:45 | Bron: Washington Post